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My Community CD SKU: SSB-003 Price: $89.99

My Community CD teaches children and young people appropriate social behaviors, interactions, expectations and safety precautions with various peers and adults within their community. This CD incorporates video of real people interacting in different community settings such as a restaurant, doctor's office, friend's house, grocery store, and neighborhood and allows the user to predict what should be appropriately said or done next.

Social skills or "pragmatics" are a vital part of living and functioning in our world today. Many children with developmental disabilities, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down's Syndrome, hearing impairment, and others have problems learning the complex understanding of social interaction. Parents, educators, and therapists are challenged to teach these children the "unspoken" rules of social behavior. Usually children pick up these skills through experience and learn from interactions. Children with disabilities sometimes lack the understanding to learn from their life experiences and have more difficulty with social skills. In order for these special children to learn critical life skills, essential to living, they have to be taught.

My Community uses real life video and require the child to watch and interact in order to obtain understanding in the discovery of social skills. The child is drawn to the video sequence (and of course the computer!) and then asked to respond in a game-like atmosphere to appropriate social behaviors. The child then gets a positive or negative response to motivate and teach the skills targeted. The child is excited by not only watching the interaction, but then responding and engaging in the situation himself/herself!

This multi-level program targets individuals with a cognitive age of 5-15 years. This program is both Macintosh (OS X and above) and IBM PC compatible.

Product Demo of My Community Click Here.